The Road According To Lee
Your backstage pass to fun and excitement...
*The Year Of The Benefit '06*
January 14th, The Marlborough Tavern, Marlborough CT :
John Spellman and the rest of the staff at the Marlborough Tavern really know how to show their patrons a good time. The atmosphere was very comfortable and the food was excellent. We helped them celebrate their 20th Anniversary in business. Joining us for the first time on guitar was "Detroit" Phil Nathan (some of you might remember Phil as the banjo guy at PigStock). Stay tuned for a future return to the Tavern.
January 28nd, The Farmington Club, Farmington CT :
Wedding bells ring for Sean and Carolyn, our good friends from Ludlow. Entertaining a wide variety of guests is what MLC does best and The Farmington Club was no exception. Wedding guests danced the night away and enjoyed some of the best food imaginable while MLC seamlessly alternated sets with Brian Zaine (Z-Man Productions) an amazing DJ who also sat in with us on drums for the 3 Doors Down hit, Kryptonite. Also joining MLC on stage for the entire evening were Mr. Stevie F. Driver on guitar and lead vocals and Mr. Mark Caps on everything percussion.
What started 13 years ago as a small backyard picnic has grown over the years to an event that has, on occasion, drawn as many as 500 people of all ages. This year, somewhere around 200 people had a great time sharing food, games, music and conversation. It is worth mentioning that this just might be the most well documented PigStock in the history of the event. There were more video and still cameras than Steven Speilberg could have kept track of.
Once again, MidLifeCrisis played host to a variety of musical entertainment including The F.B.I. (funk brokers incorporated) and ex-Rich Rags bassist, Monroe Bardot's band Dorsal Fink who traveled all the way from Baltimore Maryland to play at the party.
A re-organized MidLifeCrisis featuring Smokehouse drummer Jim Briggs kicked off the festivities around noon with a set that could only be characterized as the "wake up" show. Most of the early arrivals had been up the night before until around 4:00 am helping get everything ready. Bob Marvin joined MLC on drums for an emo version of Radar Love which set the stage for the rest of the day's events.
Next up was The FBI who injected their own "funked up" level of excitement into the mix. Chris and his band put on a well polished 2+ hours of great dance music featuring some incredible vocals by their newest member, Kimberly Larche. The FBI were a perfect segway into the official "Cutting Of The Pig" performed by Norm.
Way, way back in the 80's, MLC's Lee Steel was very lucky to have been involved in an "all original" band called Rich Rags that was well ahead of their time, musically, for the pre-internet Tampa Bay music scene. Lee and Billy (monroe bardot) became good friends and spent quite a bit of their spare time running around, causing trouble, and enjoying their notoriety. Over the years the two have managed to stay in close contact (Billy now living near Baltimore Maryland) and have threatened to do a show together for some time. Finally, Billy and his band Dorsal Fink took up a collection for enough gas money to make the 6 hour road trip in 2 cars, from Baltimore, MD to Thomaston, CT. The PigStock audience had reached critical mass as Dorsal took the stage. A few technical difficulties coupled with the fact that Dorsal were playing original songs that no one had heard before (except Lee and JP) left many people scratching their heads in amazement. HOWEVER, the music was so interesting, the vocals - catchy, humorous and riveting, and the stage presence - captivating enough to completely win over a wealth of new fans who were screaming for more at the end of their set.
As the evening started to wind down, MidLifeCrisis took the stage one last time to play a short set of their favorites and some requests from the crowd. Joining MLC on stage to wrap things up were former MLC members Rich Stevens and Jerry B. to perform some Alice Cooper songs which have become synonymous with Jerry and his guitar style.
Here are a few pictures from the event. As more pictures come in, we will be sharing many of them with all of you. Please check back over the weeks ahead for more.
MidLifeCrisis - Whippin' Post - Live @ PigStock
The F.B.I. (funk brokers incorporated)
The F.B.I. - Cut The Cake - Live @ PigStock
Dorsal Fink
Dorsal Fink - Dancin With Diablo - Live @ Pigstock
More Pictures from PigStock can be found
on the FBI website by clicking right here..
The equipment rarely gets any notice so here is a picture of our new touring control center. Way more buttons and dials then Mike Bosco would care to deal with during the course of an evening.
Not too many pictures to choose from this night. Here are a few.
October 14th , On the road with Lee & Warren, Safety Harbor FL:
In a very odd coincidence, some of my old friends got to meet a few of my new friends when Warren and I took time out from the busy MLC schedule to visit my old stomping ground and give the Florida folks a taste of New England.
Warren and I were a little "out of our element" without our Pulse, Gary Zemanek, but we made the very best of the situation and had a lot of fun. Among the guests were Mike Puttrow (drummer who played in Fusion with me in '77), Jeff Voncannon (drummer who played in Fusion with me in '78-'81), Paul Muenz (known as the first roadie for Deloris Telescope), Jeff Levy (drummer for Rich Rags), Mark Scott (guitarist for Rich Rags), Dave Faiman (original bassist for Deloris Telescope), Dave's sidekick, guitar hotrod Bradley, and several other open mic refugees.
Before heading back to the great white north, I managed to get to a Tampa Bay Bucs football game, their first win of the season against the Cincinnati Bengals, thanx to my sister Jodi who got some great seats near the pirate ship. In the picture above you can see my very good friends Betty's Not A Vitamine, featuring drummer Rick Boucher who played drums with me for several years in Fair Warning. Below is my view of the pirate ship and sister Jodi.
October 21st , Lee & Aaron at the GWAR show, Hartford CT:
This is as close as it gets to the show we saw at the Webster Theatre. If you have never been, there is nothing that even comes close to the entertainment of a GWAR concert.
October 29th , Zappa Plays Zappa, Wallingford CT:
So at the last minute, Sunday afternoon, a friend offers me this awesome 3rd row seat at the Dweezil Zappa concert featuring Steve Vai, Napolean Murphy Brock, and Terry Bozzio. Managed to meet Dweezil after the show, told him that I had met his father several times and got the ticked signed. What a great month of concerts. The picture above is actually two different pictures that I took with my cell phone and pieced them together in Photoshop. Far left, Steve Vai, Nappy Brock, Dweezil in the middle, Terry Bozzio on the far right. The rest of the members of the backup band would have all been worthy additions to any Zappa Sr. line up of previous years.
What Would You Do Frankie?
October 31st , Alice Cooper, Uncasville CT:
With my head still spinning from meeting Mr. Zappa Jr. only two nights earlier, I now find myself at the Alice Cooper concert on Halloween night at Foxwoods Casino. Gary (amazing drummer for MLC) manages to get his hands on 4th row seats dead center and right in front of the man himself. Her are just two of over 60 pictures I managed to take. This was the last show of this year's tour for his latest album "The Eyes Of Alice Cooper". In the audience, sitting directly two rows behind me, Neal Smith, drummer for the original Alice Cooper Group.
November 5th , Jimmy Briggs Benefit @ Cadillac Ranch, Southington CT:
Here are just a few of the amazing pictures taken by Ivy Lynn.
More Pictures To Come!